Jan. 25, 2021

Ep. 2: Spectrum Life Magazine - Amplifying Autism Acceptance

Ep. 2: Spectrum Life Magazine - Amplifying Autism Acceptance

Today’s episode is an introduction to Spectrum Life Magazine, a print and online publication written by and for autistic, autism, and disabilities communities.

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Autism Empowerment Podcast

Today’s episode is an introduction to Spectrum Life Magazine, a print and online publication written by and for autistic, autism, and disabilities communities. Join Karen and John Krejcha, Autism Empowerment co-founders to learn about the magazine’s past and present. We’ll even tell you how to get a FREE copy of our current issue! www.SpectrumLife.org

Current Issue: www.SpectrumLife.org/currentissue

Past Issues: www.SpectrumLife.org/pastissues

Find A Copy: www.SpectrumLife.org/findacopy

Subscribe: www.SpectrumLife.org/subscriptions

Autism Empowerment website: www.AutismEmpowerment.org

Our first cover and first issue of Spectrums Magazine - Summer 2016

Other Resources mentioned during this podcast:

Ask Spectrum Life article from Summer 2019 which describes some of the magazines above.

Full Transcript. Click on words below to play. 

(There will be slight errors due to the way artificial intelligence interprets our voices. We've done some light editing and over time, as technology improves, this will too. We hope this accommodation will be useful to you. Downloads are also available.)
